Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Year has Come and Gone

Well the year has come and gone and oh, what a year it has been. We have all changed this past year and I would love to say thank you to all of the people that have supported me and that will support me for the years to come!

This year was so up and down, from deciding not to pursue my Paralegal life and completely changing what I want to do with my life, to finally leaving retail and getting a Salary job. I have learned so much within myself this year than any other year prior. It feels the older I get, the faster the years fly by. Man, I can't believe its 2014, and lord knows how much I thought the world was going to end in 2012, teehee.

So much has happened this year that made me a stronger person. When you look back at what you did all year, try not to think of the past year as anything negative. If you only remember negative things from the past year, try and make a list of great things that happen in 2014 so that in the following new year you won't just remember the negative and remember the positive. For example, I was laid off at my job, but that only led me to a job that I really loved and became the perfect job for when I am in school.

I want to also thank my friends and family who have supported my YouTube journey and my Blog. Without inspiration from them this year, I probably would have given up a long time ago. I am also thankful for the friends that I have made through this journey, it's so much fun meeting new people and I am excited to meet even more people for the following years!

My new years resolutions? Those are private because I don't want to jinx anything! #ripped2014

I hope everyone has an amazing New Years and I hope you will have a great 2014!


  1. I wish you a Happy newt year doll !! xx

  2. Great post!
    would you like to follow each other?
    Let me know!

  3. Happy New Year! Wishing you a wonderful 2014!

